Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Paracord wrist lanyards.


  1. Hey there. Nice work you do! I'm just getting into this kind of thing myself and had a few questions.
    1)This Cobra/King Cobra knot you make, is it in any of the books you've listed?
    2)I was wondering if there's anything in the books you've mentioned that's NOT in the Ashley's Book of Knots? I just bought Ashley's Book and am wondering if it's got it all or if I need to ebay a couple more books?
    3)I was wondering how you wind up with only one tail on some of the monkeyfist knots you make (instead of the two I always end up with). Point me in the right direction?
    Thanks very much, if you have the time, my email is analog.error@gmail.com

  2. The cobra stitch is also called the Solomon Bar knot. It's frequently referenced as the cobra stitch because of the www.boondoggleman.com website use of that name. The Ashley knot book is more of a reference book in terms of knots. The other books I've listed are much better at showing how to tie them than Ashley's is, though they have far fewer knots. You might visit www.animatedknots.com for great step by step photos on tying knots, there's a link on my blog for it as well. I sometimes trim one of the two cords coming out of the monkey fist and tuck it back in so it appears as if there's only one strand coming out.

  3. Those are nice looking fobs..love the skulls too

  4. I'm curious how you got a loop at both ends of that lanyard. I can make the loop at one end, but end up with the loose ends at the other end. I really like your lanyard- I was looking to make something similar with a hook at each end to keep key's lanyarded to my gear bag. I'd really like to figure out how you did it- Toolboy of EDCF

  5. I use 2 pieces of cord, one about 42 inches, the other about 30 inches, removing the inner strands. I make a loop with a lanyard knot first using the shorter length. I preferred that loop snug with the swivel clip. Then with the longer length of cord, I make a loop long enough for a wrist strap section with enough room for the round sinnet that will be made around the loop strands as the center. This loop is about 9 inches long from the end of the loop to the lanyard knot(loop faces opposite from the knot). The loose ends of both pieces are facing each other. The longer length pieces are turned back 180 degrees from the measured 9" length so now I can start working the sinnet back toward the long loop with the loop as the center of the sinnet. Starting the sinnet and getting that first stitch made and worked up to the lanyard knot is the hard part, after that, just keep the loop in the center of the sinnet(sinnet is about 2 inches long). Once you get the idea of it, the loops on either end can be made to whatever length is needed. The lanyard knot is used because you need a fixed point from which to start the sinnet. I gut the paracord, but it could be made with the inner strands intact. But if you want to loop the longer section thru a knife's lanyard hole(usually small), it may not fit. I hope that makes sense.

  6. Awesome sight - where did you find the skulls?

  7. Those are Schmuckatelli pewter skull beads, they can be purchased from www.lighthound.com under the accessories section of "Lanyards and Lanyard Supplies".


  8. I just started working on a paracord bracelet using what you published on Instructables.

    Thanks for the information!

  9. great work as always and thanks for the tips on getting loops on each end !

  10. A tutorial on these lanyards would be great.

  11. Your things are really neat. Can you send me the link as to were you get the skull items. I am wanting to make some jewlery and am just getting started and am looking for sources.

  12. Hi your items are really great. I am looking for sources to get skull items. I am wanting to make some jewlery and am new at it. I need to find sources were I can buy skulls. Can you please let me know the website were I can get them.
    Thank You

  13. I have a list of skull bead sources in the "Sunday, October 29, 2006" post, just scroll down and you'll find it.

  14. Stormdrane,
    Can you show a tutorial on how to start the sinnet? Man I can't seem to get it.

  15. There are a couple of photos in this 2/7/2007 post link at the end of the post, showing how to start the wrist lanyard.

    The shorter strand has a loop or is attached to a clip/split ring/etc, and a lanyard knot tied.

    The longer cord forms the wrist loop and the ends are turned back where it meets the shorter ends and the sinnet(round or square) is made from there with the wrist loop in the center of it.

  16. Storm - how did you get the maroon paracord in the middle to make the long loop?

  17. I made that wrist loop first, then turned the ends back, and made the sinnet with the other cord ends up around the wrist loop as the core. The previous comment to yours has the link to the blog post showing the start.

    Here it is again.


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