Saturday, February 16, 2008

Miniature Monkey's Fist

This is the smallest Monkey's Fist I've made. I used 0.9mm braided nylon cord(off ebay) making 5 turns around a 6mm airsoft bb(the bb's I use actually glow in the dark). They make good cores for the smaller fists that I've made as zipper pulls and earrings.

The candlelight mode setting on my digital camera(my 3 year old Casio QV-R51) makes the bb's glow from within the white cord look much brighter than it actually is, but I think it still looks like a cool effect.


  1. That's awesome. Just wanted to say that your page has been incredibly helpful and has gotten me into knotting!

  2. I enjoy your blog and the info. I do pencil drawings myself. I would like to link to you and a link back would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I will visit more often.

    Name Blog: All Over The Map

    God's Grace.

  3. Just gotta say...So Cool!

  4. haha~ nice blog and dont for get every day stay cool :p

  5. omg, is all i can say when i saw the mini monkey fist, have you sold items you have made??

  6. I used to sell some online, but I was getting burned out on doing that.

    There are plenty of folks that do make and sell their knot work. Check thru my links list to see some of the folks I know online that do sell items and make some by request.

  7. Okay, i have looked and looked and looked. No one sellss these puppies that small. So would you sell some? and if so how much? Im looking for eight this size.

  8. I've not made any of the small ones to sell because they are difficult and time consuming to make compared to larger ones. The material costs in the 0.9mm cord and 6mm BBs is not much at all, but tying those little buggers can be a workout on one's patience, lol...


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