Friday, January 14, 2011

Cord Lock Knot Work...

I used some black and white 0.9mm braided nylon cord/mini blind string, to tie a 5 lead 4 bight (page 46) turks head knot onto this ITW Nexus toaster cord lock.

This particular model has lanyard tie down slots that looked just right for adding the TH knot, so I gave it a try and liked the result. There was just enough room in the slots to use a small Perma Lok lacing needle in making the knot.

And a few more with different sizes and colors of cord...


  1. I've really enjoyed your blog. I wanted to ask where are some good places to buy cord online? Also is there such a thing as a smaller diameter paracord than just regular 550?

  2. Dude, I always love your work, but this is just plain awesome.

  3. @Paul, The The Supply Captain is a reliable source for paracord and smaller 'Type I' paracord/accessory/dummy cord.

    R&W Rope Warehouse makes all types of cordage including paracord and smaller diameter cord for knot work. Several folks on and have recommended them. Call 'em and tell them what you're looking for and they'll be glad to help.(800) 260-8599

  4. I found your blog in my search for para cord bracelet knots. I have seen pictures of a certain knot but after a few hours of googling I have come up empty handed. I wonder if you could be totally awesome and help me find the name of this knot? The bracelet makers call it the heart knot. It looks like a heart when tied with 2 different colors.

  5. Wow, you must have good eyes.

    Top work.

  6. Not sure what knot the 'heart knot' might be offhand, but if you check in the and/or the forums, I'm sure someone there may be able to help. ;)

  7. Thanks I knew you could help or point me in the right direction!

  8. this is the "heart knot" I am talking about.


  9. That 'heart knot' is a variation of a cobra stitch/Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet/square knotting. The difference is that it's a two color version and the edge and centers are alternated instead of the same all the way down, making the 'heart' shape that you see.

    I don't know of a specific tutorial that shows the alternating of it, but if you can make the two tone version of the bracelet, you can do it that way too with a little expirimenting.

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I just have to try and see if I can figure it out.

  11. I know I am totally jacking your wonderful thread but I just wanted to tell you that I figured it out and have successfully tied the "heart knot" It was really quite simple esp after I just started playing around and tying knots. You are my inspiration to learn how to tie other neat looking but useful knots. Thanks once again.

  12. You seem to never run out of things to incorporate your knots into/onto, and that is exactly why I have grown to love knots: it's never ending.

    Keep the inspiration coming. I have no doubt you can, and will.

    the other DonB

  13. is there anyway for you to type up a forum on doing the Heart knot Bracelet for paracord! Im dying to learn to make it and Im a bit confused. Thanks

  14. I know this thread is a little old. . but I'm also trying to find a "how to" with doing the so called "heart knot" I understand it's a variation of the Cobra knot which I can do VERY well. . .but I can't seem to figure out just how to do it. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  15. @Jamie, If you're referring to paracord bracelets with hearts like some examples shown on Google, then you just make the paracord bracelet, go back with another strand to make the hearts, starting at the bottom of the heart up through one edge loop, going across the bracelet making the top of the heart through the loops, then back across the bracelet and down through the edge to complete.

    If making one heart, just sew/melt/glue the start/end strands on the under side of the bracelet. If doing several hearts, start at one end of the bracelet and make each heart, then run the cord on the underside to make more along the length of the bracelet.

    I haven't made these types, but that's how I'd do it. You might check on the Fusion Knots Forum and ask around for other ideas. ;)


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