Sunday, January 09, 2011

Modified #2206 from ABoK...

I tied this one with paracord, first tying the knot pattern flat, then forming it around a foam ball to work the slack out and tighten it up.

I followed instructions from The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots by Lindsey Philpott, for the Double Monkey Fist/Modified #2206, a knot from ABoK(The Ashley Book of Knots).

There's an online tutorial for the Double Monkey Fist/#2206 on the site.


  1. Awesome knots! Do you show how to make a ring wrap for storage? I've seen them before and I would really like to know how to make one!

  2. @ryan, if you mean the chain hitching where the cord is worked around a a coil of paracord into a ring, yes I've seen them before. The only thing with storing cord in that manner, is that it ends up with a lot of kinks in the cord when you finally unravel it after being stored. That applies to other knotted projects too.

    When I keep paracord stored for use, not something knotted like a lanyard I'd have on me, but kept in a bag/pack, in the garage, or in the truck, I just leave the hank of paracord in it's original sealed package as I received it. That's so there's no kinks/bends in the line that could potentially weaken the cord.

    If it's a frequently used length of cord that's to be coiled for later use, I use a common method like this one and another here. Both are just a couple of several methods I was taught in the Boy Scouts, and were often used with storing tent guy lines, laundry lines, etc...

    You can see the chain hitched method shown here, and it still works, but I don't personally use it.

  3. hello..first time visiting here.. something different.. thanks for sharing!

  4. Damn fine knot work Storm!! Thank you for all you do, & for all the ideas!

  5. I've been reading your blog for some time now and finally tried this as my first piece of work. It took me a little bit and it doesn't look perfect but I'm hooked. Thank you, thank you, thank you..

    How do you finish the end closest to the fist? Cut close to it and insert it into the fist?

  6. @Jose, Yep, I trimmed and tucked the other strand so it's not visible, to finish.

    If you tie the fist in the center of a length of cord, you can use both ends to do further knotwork, like looping both around a key ring/attachment and making a Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet/cobra stitch back towards the fist, etc..


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