Monday, May 09, 2011

Two bight sheath wrap for Sub-Q Tanto...

The Horan Knives Sub-Q Tanto, mentioned in the previous blog post, got a sheath wrap with about 15 feet of some 2mm cord, in a two bight turks head knot(13L2B) with three passes.

The crossings of the knot show on both sides and I worked the cord where it's lined up down the edges of the sheath. It's worked tight, so it's not gonna slip.

The sheathed knife is about 7.25" long, so it's a good size for pocket carry. With the contours of the sheath, I may be able to tuck a small firesteel up under the wrap...

*Note: I added a short video of the knife and sheath wrap, and also was able to fit a small firesteel under the knot work, where it's a snug fit and won't come out on it's own.


  1. Super cool. Love how it matches the look of the wrap on the handle. You also managed to put on a good amount of cordage on there.

  2. hola stromdane,
    soy jaume amengual del bloc y sigo tu bloc de nudos, jo tambiem me dedico a enseƱar a realizar nudos.
    nos leemos.
    te pido disculpar por no escribir en ingles.
    un saludo y sigue publicando que es muy lucrativo

  3. !Hola Jaume Amengual! Google Translate helps with foreign languages, it is not perfect, but it can help in understanding the basics of what is written on web pages. :)

  4. Your projects are super cool. I had a question though where do you get your 2mm cord cause i can't find it anywhere in bulk , and i have tried lots of searches with different names. Thats if you buy your cord in bulk. If you can help me with this that would be awesome. And once again your creativity never ceases to amaze me!

  5. @Anonymous, There are several sources for the 2mm sized cord in my blog's link's list. Try 'mowfugger' on ebay, Fix My Blinds website, R&W Rope Warehouse, and GPJ Rope for that type/size cordage.

  6. Good morning Stormdrane,I have a knife sheath much like the one you used,my question is normally you would have with a 2b four crossing on four sides were you only have crossings on two? So how would I go about achieving the finished look that you have. Hope that makes sense?Thanks so much!!Scot

  7. @Scot, With the two bight turk's head knot, I lined up the crossings down each side, and carefully worked the bights down the edges of the sheath, so that they didn't get overlapped, as the knot was tightened.

    With all the additional passes, the cord tends to get out of order going around the edges, you just keep them neat as you work.


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