Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pineapple Knot...

I followed Bud Brewer's tutorial on, for tying 'The Long Pineapple', a turks head knot variation, over a Zebra F-301 Compact Pen. The knot starts with tying a long 4 bight knot, then a second strand is interwoven creating the pineapple knot.

I made the initial knot longer with an extra turn at the start, to cover more of the pen, and figuring out the overs/unders from Bud's tutorial and applying it to the longer knot was easy enough to figure out.

I used 3/32" orange tether cord from County Comm to tie the 4 bight knot, then used 2mm blue nylon cord to interweave the pineapple knot. I tied this one while watching the Auburn vs Mississippi football game, War Eagle!

And a paracord pineapple knot on an EOD Robotics Breacher Bar.


  1. Nice SD! It's definitely a pretty knot...

  2. Hey could you suggest book that would help me learn the basics? Your work is great. Leave you comment on my blog: thank you very much.

    I look forward to many more creative things from you!

  3. @misadventure, A couple of good books I often recommend: 'Creative Ropecraft' by Stuart Granger and/or 'The Book of Decorative Knots' by Peter Owen.

  4. I don't 'BLOG' much, so this might be a repeat of one I left yesterday. I have made many snake knot lanyards following your instructions. Time for me to branch out and do some things different. I found a a you tube video where you describe the various tools you take along with with you. I can not find that video again. I was interested in the flat blade knife you described, the type and manufacturer, I am also interested in the cut down knitting needles with the threaded insert.

    Can you provide this information.

    thank you -

  5. @Phil, The cut down knitting needles, that a friend made for me to use as lacing needles, just have a lip to retain the cord and are not threaded like Perma-Lok needles. There may be a couple of tutorials on the Instructables website for making your own.

    I haven't done a video describing the tools I use, so that must be one by someone else, and not sure what flat bladed knife they may be using.

  6. Thanks - my son will love this. I'll have to get him some cord and have him make me some of these. I might have to get one of the books you mentioned though. :)

  7. thanks for the fast response. Sometimes I am too quick to click on links. I watched the video of your carabiner zig-zag spool. When it finished, there were links to other related videos. I clicked on the one describing tools, thinking it was put out there by you, It wasn't. I found the video again and it is by someone else.

  8. Awesome Post! I purchased the EOD Breacher bar as well and it looks like the pineapple knot is the most attractive wrap for it...but I am having trouble replicating your success. I am trying to follow the directions in the link, but my question is, are you incorporating the two machined holes into your knot, and if so, at what point? It's kind of hard to follow the link with the breacher bar since the link shows a cylinder and the breacher is obviously a flat piece of steel, any advice?

  9. @Phillip, I didn't use the holes on the Breacher Bar when I tied the pineapple knot. The knot will stay put and not budge after it's tightened up. I did tuck the leftover starting ends through one of the bar's holes and under the knot work on the other side, after I was finished tightening up the knot, but that's not necessary as they can be trimmed and tucked shorter if you prefer.

    If you're having trouble tying the knot directly on the bar, you can first tie the knot around a cylinder, that is slightly larger than the flat bar, then slide it off the cylinder and onto the bar to tighten it up. Once you're familiar with tying turks head knots, making them around a flat object, like the bar, isn't too hard if you just think of it as a squished cylinder. ;)

  10. Do you ever box the ends of pens, flashlights, marlinespikes with cord? I've seen several items finished with cord covering the ends but have no idea how to start something that complex.

  11. Thanks for the reply! I have since spent the week trying to get this pineapple knot on my breacher bar, but to avail. I think I am having trouble visualizing the instructions given on that link in your post. I'm going to keep at it, but I was just wondering if you would consider posting a pineapple knot video on your youtube channel. Looking on youtube I only found one video about a pineapple knot and it starts halfway in. I've found your other videos to be informative and easy to understand, so it'd be great if you had a video I could follow along with so I know I am not screwing up halfway in.

  12. @A.B., I usually don't cover the ends of objects, since that's where most attachment points for lanyard/fobs are, but you can try tightening up any turks head knot or variations that are large enough, around an end you want covered.

    Here's a 'Heel Knot tutorial' example from, and another page someone scanned on tying a heel knot.

  13. Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I appreciate the response.

  14. First, I'd like to say the work on your website is top of the line.
    I have a question for you.
    If you extend the 4 bight long turks head to some extreme length to make it a pineapple knot, is there a formula that would allow you to do an interweave no matter how long you extend the knot?

  15. @Anonymous, The ones I tied are actually longer than the short one shown in the tutorial, so yes the pineapple knots can be tied on longer length 4 bight turks head knots.

    I just guessed at the overs/unders from the shorter tutorial with doing the longer one and it worked out, but I'm no expert on the specifics. You might get more info on pineapple knots from the folks on or the Pineapple knot forums, both in my links list. :)

  16. Howdy Stormdrane,Can you please tell me where I can find tutorials like the ones that Mr. Brewer had on KHWW?I have been waiting for there web page to come back up but it looks like that's not happening which really bums me out. Like the Hansen knot went to you tube and what they are calling one looks to me more like a Spanish ring knot.Well thanks again Scot

  17. @Scot, Until/when/if the site comes back up, there's just examples like the ones on YouTube and another from the old Pineapple knot forums ...


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