Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bonobo Bar Paracord Bracelet with Side Release Buckle...

JD (TyingItAllTogether) put up a YouTube video tutorial for tying the 'Bonobo Bar Bracelet'.  I used a 1/2" side release buckle instead of a knot/loop closure as shown in the video, and used dark olive drab and black paracord for mine.

The bracelet is done with making a couple of half knots, as you would to start when making a twisted cobra stitch/Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet, but alternating with each color for the knots and core.  

I looped the the two 6 ft long paracord strands(more than was needed) onto one buckle end, making the knots until I had enough for my wrist size, then ran the strands though the other buckle end, tucking two strands back under the bracelet's inside knot work, using the remaining two strands to tie a square knot around all the other strands, and also tucking them under a couple of knots on the inside of the bracelet, trimming the ends to finish.


  1. I like this...

    (for me) ... its always helpful when there is a - "how-to" - video/tutorial/instructs, along side the creation... this way I like to start right-away on trying to create them.

    Keep creating, love these ideas and creative.


  2. I like the idea of using a buckle - I can never get the knot-and-loop closures to stay on. I may use a greater contrast though, but not as different as JD's.

    Quick question - did you gut the paracord first to get it to fit the buckle?

  3. @mister-g, I did not gut the paracord for this bracelet. The 1/2" buckle is a tight fit for 4 strands around the buckle ends, but a pair of hemostats helps push/pull the paracord through.

  4. Can you describe a little more about how you started the buckle? I was going to try something like this tonight with the Lizard tail Sinnet and put a buckle on it but I wasn't figuring out how to do the "loop two strands around the buckle".

    even a picture would be AWESOME!!

    Thanks so much for all the inspiration you post!

  5. @motoed, Just cow hitch/ring hitch/lanyard loop the strands around one buckle end, side-by-side, or one done loosely with the other in between those strands, or one hitched and just the center of the other strand run through the buckle end...

    There's not just one way to do it, so you can try it different ways to set up the strands the way you want them, and with the room allowed by a particular sized buckle. Setting up the colors can also change how the pattern of a knot/sinnet will come out as well, so you can experiment with that also...

  6. That's kind of what I was trying to do... but when I cow hitched them, I had two strands leading away from the buckle instead of the two strands like how you weave the ones Lizard Tail Sinnet.

    It looks like this technique you are describing would work great with a 4 strand weave like a Solomon Bar or this Bonobo Bar.. but I was trying to adapt something like you were doing to a "two strand weave".

    Again, I really appreciate all the posts you do. It's been fun trying to teach this stuff to my 9 yr old. He's even starting to get his friends curious about it and they want stuff now too. I even caught him sitting by himself before school just sitting with a strand trying to work out a weave he's trying to perfect. (Nice to see it's not a gadget for a change that's captivated his attention!) That has been the biggest joy of finding this stuff for me.

  7. @motoed, You would still loop onto the buckle end with a cow hitch for the lizard tail sinnet, as you make the sinnet with tucked loops. The strands coming away from the buckle are turned back so you can take turns tucking the looped ends you're working with.

    When you've just about got the length for the bracelet, you run the ends of the strands through the loops to lock the sinnet, then around the other buckle end, tying a knot around the strands, next to where you ended the sinnet, then trim and tuck, or melt/sew/glue the ends to finish.


    This is not what you mean is it?

    I was thinking you meant to only do this cow hitch with one strand, but then I wouldn't be able to alternate colors.

    I was thinking that maybe I could put two strands straight through... then "melt/weld" them together and then cow hitch the new blended cord. That would get me two alternating color strands leading from the buckle. But I'm guessing that kinda feels like "cheating". ;-)

  9. @motoed, If just using one strand with two working ends that you want two colors to work with, sew/melt/or glue two colors together first, then loop onto the buckle end and go from there.

    I was referring to four working ends with the side by side reference, which you can still do with the lizard tail sinnet if you double up/pair off the strands. ;)

  10. Thanks... that helped.. I tried doubling up but that made the bracelet rather thick.

    I'll stick with the melt method then for now I believe (or move onto another weave that's better with a buckle and leave the lizard with a tie end)

  11. I love your blog!

  12. I like the idea of the side release buckle but I brake plastic buckles rather easily. Have your ever tried using metal shackles? Like from Lowe's or some place like that. I have heard of using them but I don't know how, or what the best size shackle to use?

  13. @kay, I have used bow/D shackles/clevis for knot work, but not with paracord bracelets. I just prefer knot/loop closures and side-release buckles, which I've never had break on me.

    You can find the shackles at hardware stores and online from marine/boating supply shops. They come in various sizes and finishes, and attaching them is just like with buckles, two attachment points, use the pin for one and bow/D for the other. They are not as easy to put on and take off...

  14. I'm going to have to try this. Do you think these are the right side release buckles?

  15. @Billy Webb, I used a 1/2" buckle for the paracord bracelet in the blog post, but you could also use a 3/8" or 5/8" side release buckle, your choice.

    JD(TIAT) uses a knot/loop closure and some folks like to use bow/D shackles, buttons/coins, etc.. for alternative secure methods.


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