Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Hansen Knot...

I tied this basic Hansen Knot around the center section of my AA Tactical Maratac LED flashlight, that County Comm had sent to me in a care package. 

The pictured knot is the fourth time I'd tied it around the light, the first couple of times being done with different types and sizes of cord, before using this 2.4mm braided nylon line.

I stopped tying to take a few photos, after my hands started cramping up a little, as they often do.

As I worked the slack out, the knot seems a bit lumpy in spots and I'm guessing that's because I tied it in the narrow section of the light, not having much room to keep the starting 5 lead 4 bight knot loose and spaced out enough before working in the Hansen pattern, where it started getting tight with the lacing needle before I finished.  

I'll probably take this one off too and try again until I get it right, maybe just using paracord to practice tying the knot a few more times.

Another Hansen knot shown tied in paracord, and a smaller one tied in 1.4mm cord around a Grimloc carabiner in the EDC pocket dump photo.



  1. What is the difference between the Hansen knot and the Gaucho knot, they look the same to me!?

  2. @Renè, The Hansen is tied a little bit differently, with the base 5 lead 4 bight Turk's head knot being doubled, then the Hansen worked in by 'splitting the pairs'.

    Here's a link for a detailed description on Turk's head knots and variations, that goes a bit beyond my amateur understanding of knot tying, but some may find it enlightening, lol...

  3. Stormdrane: I was shopping in the French Quarters on Saturday and bought a paracord lanyard from a local and I was hoping you could identify the stitch for me?
    Happy New Year
    James A

  4. @James, Happy New Year! Looks like a chain sinnet, also called a zipper sinnet. :)

  5. Love your artistry. I just found this knife artist thought you would like his work as well.


  6. Stormdrane: Where do you get the smaller cord?

  7. @Patrick, I've bought most of my smaller diameter cord off ebay. See my links list for 'mowfugger'.

    Also see in the links list:, R&W Rope, GPJ Rope, County Comm, and Supply Captain, that all also carry cordage that is smaller in diameter than paracord.

  8. Not directly ontopic of your post, but have you noticed ?

    No connection, but thought I'd flag it!

  9. Someone asked if you had a book out of all the instructions. I didn't think so, but I bet it's be titled to Have and Half Knot. :-)

  10. First found you on YouTube... you have some great talent... your buckled watchbands are sweet... thanks !

  11. Hey unfortunately the link you gave to the tutorial no longer works and I can't fine an other tutorial anywhere, do you know of any others??

  12. @Anonymous, When the old Knot Heads World Wide server/host went down last year it messed up all the links, and direct links no longer work.

    You can go to, currently requires sign in/registration, and once there find many, but not all, of the tutorials previously linked.

    I searched and the basic Hansen knot is in there. ;)

  13. @stormdrane, thanks for the help! I shall find it now:-)

  14. Hello

    I really like the look of the Hansen knot as you used it. If you don't mind me asking, did you expand the 5l4b TH before you doubled it added the Hansen? Thank you. Very cool as always.

  15. I believe I tied that Hansen knot directly from a doubled 5 lead 4 bight knot, following a Bud Brewer tutorial.


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