The amount of paracord you'll use will depend on your wrist size, but it seems to work out to less than a foot of cord per inch of bracelet. I'd suggest using a 7 or 8 foot length of paracord to start with for an average sized wrist and you'll see how much you'll actually use depending on how tight/loose you you make the bracelet.
It would also make a decent belt, strap, lanyard, or hatband and if you need to take it apart to use the cord, just remove the last strand that locks it in, and you can pull both ends to unravel it in seconds.
I tried a doubled version of the chain sinnet with some black and neon green paracord. I didn't have enough cord left to try it as a bracelet, so I used what I had for a lanyard.
Knot tying friend, Ken Cardwell, put up a couple of videos for a tying a chain sinnet paracord bracelet in November of 2009, so I went back and added them to this blog post, since I hadn't done a tutorial myself.
I love the look of this bracelet, however I can't find any instruction on a double chain sinnet. Keep up the good work.
For doubling the chain sinnet, I just treated four strands as two by pairing them off. You can do that for a variety of knots/braids/sinnets.
How would you start a bracelet like this that is using a loop at the end?
The way this is made, you start with a loop and have two strands at the end to make a knot with.
And another question. Ive tried to start this sinnet with quick release clips but i cant get the start to look tidy and i dont know how to end the sinnet onto a clip. Thanks for your time with my questions as im just starting to take this art a bit more seriously.
If adding to a clip/buckle, you loop onto the clip or buckle first, then start making the chain. Make sure the first part of the chain is up close to the clip/buckle so there's no slack between the loop and the sinnet, then continue the chain.
It's best to work without stopping. If you stop and can't remember which side was facing you as you worked, the sinnet won't look right.
To finish with the other buckle end, just run a strand thru the sinnet to lock it in, then take both working ends thru the buckle, and make one or two cobra stitches in the space between the buckle and the sinnet. Trim and finish the ends and it's done.
You might check out the Knot Heads World Wide website for other tutorials and forums.
On your lanyard how did you route your working ends to be able to put a cobra stitch around it. Thanks.
The working ends are simply wrapped around the clip/ring/buckle and then tie a cobra stitch like you would start with a cobra stitch lanyard or bracelet.
I figured out how to weave the chain with a single strand doubled over to get the loop at the start. What I can't figure out or find anywhere is exactly how to start out. Everything I've tried looks unbalanced.
Please tell me where I can find a step by step w/pictures of how to do this type of sinnet. The video link no longer works. I'm going Nuckin Futs over this. Thanks
I'll have to see if I can find another online source for those directions...
I found a copy of the video uploaded by another user here:
kiba, thanks for the updated link. :)
I know you must be plagued by tons of questions, but I swear I've traveled half the internet in search of a particular knot. And I don't even know the name. Any idea if you can point me to a way to make a sliding knot for this kind of paracord bracelet? I just started making these, and I was hoping to find another way to close it, but I don't even know the name of what I'm looking for. All the sliding knots I've found are for two strands and not four, and being a novice I'm stumped.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the great tutorials, I'm off to try that Monkey Fist bookmark for a friend of mine.
I'm guessing you want an adjustable sliding knot at the end of the bracelet instead of a simple doubled overhand like I used.
Offhand, I'm not sure what would work with two or four strands for that application. If you find a two strand knot that would work, pairing off four strands should work the same, but would be bulkier...
You might get some ideas if you ask on the forums of the KHWW site.
Thanks for the idea (especially at this time of night!). I registered, and will try to find more than elephant hair, overhand knots, and double fisherman knots. :-)
Thanks again.
Quick tip: wrap one side's ends with tape and designate it as your starter side, then if you have to walk away you will always be able to tell where you left off by seeing what side the tape is on. After hours of confusion and screwing up, did this trick, and the bracelet took ten minutes.
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