A knot tying friend, Robert, had recently shared a link on Google+ for a Chinese website knot tutorial, for which the name translated to 'Mandala Knot', showing a couple of variations, with the simpler one used here.
I tied an example with a length of black paracord for a Kershaw Emerson CQC-4K pocket knife edc lanyard/fob, with a loop section just large enough for my little finger to fit through for retention, so as to not drop the knife when using it.
The knot has a pleasing pattern of tight curving loops to a center point on
both sides of a somewhat thick disc shape after careful shaping and
tightening of the knot.
Also tied were a couple of two-strand stopper knots, before and after the Mandala Knot, so I ended up using about two feet of paracord in the finished lanyard/fob.
You may use more or less cord depending on the loop size and spacing of the knots, so start off with more cord than you think you'll use so you don't come up short when tying. ;)
The Chinese site shows a couple of variations of the knot, after the true lovers knot (ABoK #3782) shown at the start, and I went with the simpler one for the video and the examples with the pocket knife lanyard/fob. Here's a photo with the neon orange and neon green paracord with both variations, where you may or might not notice the slight difference, with the look of an extra turn or bight for each color on the one on the left compared with the one on the right...
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affiliate, so 'Thank You!' to those that shop there through my blog's links,
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If you need an edc backpack, check out the limited edition VENOM and VENOM RED
mochi drawstring backpacks with Stormdrane logo, which I receive a
percentage of sales from, each having a stitched paracord handle that I
worked with Mochibrand on for the design.
And a Mandala knot tied with some 3/8" twisted nylon rope. My Zippo alongside for size reference.
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