Here's another photo, this one showing how I made the three warps in the center of the 6 foot length of paracord, which I used for the main holding/release cord. I just made a short loop about halfway down the cord, tied an over hand knot around the standing end, the working end comes down the center of the loop, another overhand knot is tied with the working end going away from the loop. I didn't measure the cord I used for the weave, but figure to use about a foot of paracord per inch of weave plus some extra to be safe.
I ran the starting end of the weft(weaving cord) thru one of the overhand knots to keep it out of the way. when I finished, I tucked the paracord ends down the center of the weave on each end.
You can find lots of information abouts slings and slinging, at
so whats the max distance have you gotten with it ??
I've not had a chance to test it yet, but I'll be sure to post when I do. =)
HOLY CANNOLI! Dude, you come up with the most AWESOME IDEAS! I was gonna work on making a knitting spool tonight, but I have a new project now, instead! Thanks!
I've been wanting to make my own since I bought a homemade one a few years ago. The credit for how to go about it goes to =)
I'm not able to get one going... too much ambiguity about how to start it. If you were to post additional pictures of the beginning of the weaving part, that would be the coolest thing ever. Thanks, man.
Your work is amazing.
That's true, his work is indeed amazing. I just had success with my first sling of this type. Thanks, Stormdrane!
I would also ask fo rsome more info on the sling, I went to and the designs they showed were good but the 3 vane model appears to have some more flexibilty, please help us out, boneguru
peacefuljeffrey posted a tutorial, on EDC Forums, for an improved version of this type of sling pouch. Hope that helps. :)
Thanks, man!
Here's mine (along with an assorted "modern" sling):
Your blog is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Good to see another slinger! It's great fun.
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