The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework by Geoffrey Budworth, has some good photos of tying different types of ring hitching: ringbolt, continuous, and alternate. Budworth's The Complete Book of Decorative Knots also has some good diagrams to follow.
JD of TyingItAllTogether has a YouTube video showing the same type of single strand ringbolt hitching.
There are other variations, like this example on the Marinews website, and another one here. And a tutorial for hitching on a walking staff. Ringbolt hitching is also called coxcombing or cockscombing, hog backing, and platted ring.
This is a ringbolt hitched paracord bracelet, made with about 10 feet of gutted paracord and a 3/8" side release buckle.
The gutted cord is a bit difficult to keep from getting twisted and kinked but came out as an okay variation for a slim sized paracord bracelet. Maybe tied around a thin wide, metal or rubber wrist band might also work... YMMV
Awesome! I really love your work Stormdrane. I have made almost every one of your bracelets for my daughters, they really like them. I check your website every day to see what is new. I also use it as a reference because there is such a great collection of knowledge. Thanks for all your tutorials.
Great work Stormdrane!
Who ever sees you blog loves your works.
Regards from Turkey,
Your work is great Stormdrane, I could not find any other way to contact you on here, but I have a question for you, I have been making Monkey's Fist for a long time. I recently saw some online with thin blue lines and thin red lines in them. I was wondering if you had any tips on how I could do this so I could make them for my department.
For adding a separate colored strand to a monkey's fist, you can use a Perma Lok lacing needle to feed the cord through and around the almost tightened fist, centered to the other strands. Hemostats or very thin needle nosed pliers could also be used if you don't have a lacing needle.
I'd think a putting a small drop of super glue on the ends of the separate color and tucking them will make a permanent hold if the friction from a fully tightened fist isn't enough.
Thanks, kind of makes sense to me. I meant to post a example for a little bit more of an idea for ya sorry,
is really the goal I am aiming for if this helps any.
Trevor, yes that's the type I imagined you meant. I haven't added a single different colored strand to any like that, but my description was how I'd do it if I did. Just add a long enough paracord piece to fit around the diameter of the fist with the ends secured under one side.
Fabulous blog! Whens your book coming out, huh?
I always enjoy your blog. I recently ordered the Globe Knot cookbook from Don Burrhus. He commented that you were local to where I live (Griffin, Ga.) and was curious whether or not there was a group getting together anywhere in the local area to sort of show and tell concerning knots? Is there such a thing locally going on? If not should there be?
I love your work. I check frequently and mimic your work as best I can. You have great ideas as well. I just oredered the Ashley Book of knots. I really want to leard the spool knitting techniques that you use. Great work Stormdrane and Semper Fi.
There's not been any official local Atlanta get together of knot tyers that I've been to or am aware of. I do occasionally get asked to meet and teach/share some knot work, but I've not committed to anything like that.
There are usually at least a few folks that tie lanyards at the annual Blade Show.
Some of the knife makers have some knotted paracord or leather work displayed with their knives and some attendees can be seen walking around with some of their own work hanging from a bag/backpack.
Members of some online forums may also have times to meet and greet while at the show: Usual Suspect Network, EDC Forums, Knifeforums,, Bladeforums, All About Pocket Knives, Jerzee Devils, Spyderco Forums, Microholics, Benchmade Forums, CandlePowerForums, etc... There are usually threads about who's going and such. I've been to a few of the shows just to look around, but didn't attend last year.
Hey stormdrane i have a question for you i am making a 12 strand round braid mecate reins for my horse out of paracord for how durable it is out on the trails. I have heard of people finishing them off with a "pineapple" knot i have not had any luck with this knot so i was wondering if you new of it and if so how you would go about doing it. Thanks for all the ideas and help you have provided in the past
The pineapple knot is a variation of a turk's head knot, but I've just done the basic turk's head types.
I'm sure someone on the Pineapple Knot Forums or Knot Heads World Wide will have good suggestions on how to do them and likely a tutorial to follow as well. :)
Very Kewl. I did a 3 strand coxcomb on my hiking staff about 6 months ago with 2-mm nylon cord. Turned out very nice. I just did another single strand coxcomb just below it. All 550 cord work on my hiking staff have a reason for being there. On a hike, you never know if you will need cordage. I carry about 30-feet of cord on my hiking staff just in case. Thanks for the post. I very much enjoy following your blog.
Blazing Skies!!
I liked your work. In fact, I would say I love hand made things. And your blog is the best one for learning anything. Great blog site with very good tutorials.
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