Saturday, March 01, 2008

Knot work on a pen...

I spent some more time playing around with the 0.9mm braided nylon cord and wrapped some pen barrels(Zebra F-701).

I followed the Turk's Head knot instructions in my copy of 'The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Ropework', but here's an online tutorial you can follow for the 5 lead 4 bight Turk's Head knot. I made 3 passes, a section of spiraling half hitches(Chinese staircase), and another 5L4B Turk's Head.

 I think I used around 7 or so feet of cord after tightening it up. The knotted section fits right in the crook of my hand when writing, so it's not in the way.


El Bruche' said...

Dear sir, I belive that I have found an arch nemesis in you or at least someone to inspire me. The pen work you did was wonderful at least and made me do some experimenting of my own. If you like I would send you some pics.

Stormdrane said...

Sure, I always like to see photos of knot work. =) You might check out the Knot Heads World Wide site and visit the 'Gallery' to see some really great knot work, some of which clearly makes my stuff look like the amateur stuff it is, but gives me something to aspire to.

You can send pics to:


replacing the at and dot with the appropriate symbols. Of course the spambots can probably read that anyway...