I've made a short tutorial showing how to make a paracord bracelet with a side-release buckle. There are a few tutorials online that show how to make a paracord bracelet, but they don't show how to do one with a buckle, and I'm frequently asked how to do it. Using a buckle will also allow you to make larger versions the bracelet for use as a dog or cat collar. Here's the link.
Dude, how do you make the long loop on the end?
The loop is the middle of the piece of cord you start with. Hold the ends together with one hand and you'll have the loop at the other end.
I made my first paracord bracelet today. It took two attempts. The first time, I made it a bit too long. I untied it, shortened it a little, and it came out perfect. Thanks for the step-by-step instructions and links to where to by the paracord and side-release buckles.
Do you think you could prepare a tutorial that shows how to make a paracord bracelet with 4 paracords in the core of the bracelet? Thank you.
As long as the buckle you're using has room for 4 strands, you just loop onto the starting buckle, run it thru the other buckle and wrap it around that buckle end a second time (this is also where you fix the sizing of the bracelet), then run the cords back to and around the buckle you started on with the loop and begin knotting around the 4 strands.
Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try.
I love your Tut made my first the other day and another since what I'm interested in is making a side release buckle bracelet with two different colors.. the knotting is simple enough (thanks to your tut) but my issue is the combining of the two colors and attachment... if you could help me out with how to do so i would be much appreciative
For a two color bracelet, you sew, melt, or super glue the two together after tucking one into the other. There's an example shown on one of my instructables.
If a single color bracelet used a 10 foot piece of paracord, the two color version will use two 5 foot lengths, and after they're connected, you just treat it as one length of cord and tie it just like the instructions.
Keep the connected section just off center when looping onto the side release buckle. The connected part will be knotted over as the core of the bracelet.
how can you make these with two colors with out joining them and using a marian shackles.
@spencer, Tie a single color paracord bracelet first, then go over that with another color for a king cobra/doubled Solomon bar/doubled Portuguese sinnet.
The marine bow/D shackles are awkward to put on/off, so I do not use them with paracord bracelets, but if you do, just treat the bow/D as one 'buckle end', and the pin as the other 'buckle end'.
I always connect two colors for a regular paracord bracelet, otherwise following the method I use in the tutorial would not work. If others use a method without connecting two colors with a marine shackle, you'll have to follow their tutorial.
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