I gave a rough idea of the monkey fist with a cobra stitch/Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet, and as you can see, they did a great job on the project. The guys made over a hundred of them and provided their creations to the Special Forces attendees of the 5th Annual SOCOM Roundup in Cody, Wyoming.
Thanks to Mark at the Supply Captain for assisting with the paracord for the project. And special 'Thanks!' to the cadets for their hard work and support for our troops.
Thank you for your support of our nation's elite warriors.
Thats awesome. Next time you get hit up on a request like this, let me know I would love to help out.
Very nice work do you make the monkey's fist first. Then work your way back to it.
The monkey fist is made first, then the two cords coming from the fist are used to make the cobra stitch.
Wow, this is so cool! And I thought lanyards were so straightforward.
Miss S
That's awesome! :)
That's some intricate work. Good job.
Nice hobby you had,trying to make different knots in different styles so that we can make use of thread in different ways.I will read this blog to try this knot.
Wyoming Drug Treatment
question... how much cord went into this project?
I believe the amount of paracord used was between 10 and 15 feet. The total depends on how large the monkey fist is and how long a section of cobra stitch/Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet is made.
Is there a Tutorial on how to make this? I may have overlooked it? This is one sweet lanyard. I would love to see how the two are combined. Thanks!
There's no specific tutorial for this. You use a single length of cord to tie the monkey's fist first, and have it in the center of the length of cord after tightening it up.
Then you have two equal lengths of cord coming from the fist to loop around a key ring/clip and cobra stitch/Solomon bar/Portuguese sinnet back towards the fist.
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