I found some orange 1/2" poly rope at Walmart to use for a larger mat. It was a 75 foot length when I started, I made five turns thru the plait, and after tightening the mat up, I trimmed off about 13 feet of excess. It's hard to tell from the angle with the ruler, but the mat is actually almost two feet across. I probably could've worked the excess cord around for another turn, but after a couple of hours, I had to say 'I'm done'. This one's large enough for a table center piece or maybe a mat for outside the shower door. I'll have to find some 1" thick rope for something large enough for a front door 'Welcome' mat.
I was going to follow the pattern thru with some smaller diameter navy blue paracord that would fit between the orange cords, but the Auburn fan I made it for, liked it as it is.
ok got to ask did you try the tees and wire staples?
I didn't need them with the 1/2" orange rope, it was actually easier to work with than the 3/8" blue rope. I do have a large rectangle of cardboard that I cut from a box and the tees from my golf bag ready to use when I need them with an Ocean Plait Mat diagram from the Knot Heads World Wide website.
HEY cool Site thanks
Hey there Stormdrane,
Any tip on how to calculate the rope lenght for this kind of mat so I don´t end up short?
@rickthenailer, I just always used more than I thought I'd need without knowing a specific forumla, but there is some discussion on the KHWW.net forums of calculating info. Hope that helps. :)
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