This is my first knot board. I spent a few hours making these small flat Turk's Head knots, including a Carrick Mat, and an Ocean Plait Mat. All were done with white 2mm cord. I then used rubber cement to attach them to paper and put that into a frame.
I don't think it looks too bad. Now I probably should make one with various useful working knots, like the reef knot, sheet bend, bowline, sheep shank, etc...
Great job on the board. I know you don't do requests, but have you ever tried any Celtic type knots or crosses? I really enjoy your blog.
I've seen a couple of books on celtic knots, and the knots I've seen look cool, but I haven't tried any. I'll have to search around and see if there's any online info on them.
There's an old-school book called "Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work" (Raoul Graumont & John Hensel, 1943, Cornell Maritime Press). Was my grandfather's. You'd like it, especially the chapter on ornamental knotting, but it's not the easiest thing to learn from! :)
I just sumbled upon your blog, I think your work is amazing! I think I'm gonna get The Complete Book of Decorative Knots and start tying knots as a new hobby! Thanks for the inspiration!
Greetings from Russia, Mr. Stormdrane.
My name is Andrey.
Thanks for the idea.
Look to my Knot Board with Mats
and Knot Board with Knots
and others my work
Thank you.
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