From the above Amazon link, you can look under the photo of the book for the 'Search inside this book' link and see how to tie this knot from the books instructions. Just click on the arrows on the edge of the book photo on the linked page to flip thru the pages. Thanks to Ben for mentioning that in the comments.
...and done on a 550 paracord knife fob/lanyard with a sliding 3 lead 4 bight Turk's Head knot.
your knot work rocks, it's inspired me to take up lanyard/paracord work. I've been tying simple lanyards for pliers and tools used with fishing, but I'm having problems with the hardware rusting - using cheap keyring type splitrings and cheap carabiners. Any advise on what to use that won't rust?
I've got to get busy and try the cloverleaf and the star knots!
keep up the good work.
You might try using something like Tuf Glide(I use it on all my tools/knives) to protect the cheaper type hardware from rusting. Or look for marine grade type stainless hardware, which are stronger and more durable, but cost more too(see Berkeley Point website).
Fantastic work, as always. You're my knot-tying hero!
you can view how to tie it in that book using amazons search inside
Ben, thanks! I'll edit the blog entry to reflect that.
I've found out, that with 1.4"/6mm thick cord (non-gutted), A very tight cloverleaf takes 6" inches of cord. You need atleast 7~8 inches to be able to start one, but 12"/1foot gives no headaches.
With a fixed length of 13 inches, I was able to create two cloverleafs with just one inch slack between the, (8/32 + 4/32 + 24/32). On that string, I already had another cloverleaf, so now I have a small three cloverleaf trinket :D
Ill post a pic later :D
I had a small scrap of paracord perfect for my flash drive. Thanks for the inspiration!
I made a great bookmark using this knotnand another from your blog. Thanks.
@Jason, Nice job on the bookmark! :)
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