You have to gradually tighten it up, working the slack out, to help it keep it's shape in the finished form.

I pulled one paracord strand end back through the center of the tightened oblong knot, using hemotstats to create a loop on one end, and added a Spartan Helmet bead. Finished by adding a cord lock and lanyard knot with the ends for wrist lanyard use...

nice blog and nice knotwork. You have got me started/addicted to this stuff. I recently made 10 paracord bracelets for the girls on my teeball team and they loved it. Got the instructions and inspiration from your site. Keep up the good work.
Nice tutorial. Very useful.
Stormdrane. I'm missing your blog entrys. you havnt put a new one up this week, first time for ages. Your blog is like a weekly magazine for knot tyers, and its definately my inspiration. look forword to your next entry.Hope all's well.
Hi SD, I stumbled upon a knotty YouTube channel today and thought of you, because this person has a couple of interesting knots I've never seen before, and they also do some knots in a simpler way. I can't understand the language, but watching is more than enough. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/int301
A nice example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en0-u-IezRI
I don't have the book you used in this post but I do have Ashley's and I can't figure this knot out according to ABoK #630 and I was wondering if you would please give instructions on how to tie this knot. Thanks, keep up the good work!
Ditto Anonymous on 7/15. I tied the cloverleaf knot and it looks like it's just short of the oblong but I can't figure out how to get that little extra length. If it's just a matter of a couple of instructions above and beyond the cloverleaf, could you please illucidate and/or illustrate? :-)
Hey, what's up. No new posts in almost a month. Don't leave us hanging.
storm what up with no posts man your killin us im not sure if your planning something big butif not then im just not gonna keep checking because you not posting anything up in a month it used to be weekly but i guess not anymore.pshh
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