A 25 foot length was used for the one in a 'whipping' pattern on the aluminum water bottle. And a 40 foot length was used in a woven pattern on the white stainless steel water bottle.
Both started off with coiling the cord around the bottles, with the starting end just held in place with a rubber band and later tucked to finish.
The woven version resembles 'grafting' type knot work, as seen in Stuart Grainger's 'Creative Ropecraft', but is instead a single length of cord. After coiling the cord around the bottle, one end is then worked in an over/under pattern, back up then down, all the way around the bottle. For this pattern, I went under three coils, over three coils, but like 'grafting', you can vary the pattern to your own tastes.
I used a Perma-Lok Jumbo Lacing Needle to feed the paracord over/under as I worked, as well as a pair of hemostats/forceps.
Here's a woven paracord can koozie, done with a 25 foot length of cord. The weaving is just like that done on the water bottle, but with the vertical over/under part done closer together for a tighter weave before changing to half hitching on the bottom.
Stormdrane, where do you get your paracord from? you order it from online somewhere. Or do you get it from a local Military Surplus? A specific outdoors store? A combination of all 3? I got my first paracord in a 50ft orange and 25ft desert tan, lengths from the local surprlus for $6.
I've been looking on Amazon but *waggles hand back and forth* all military colors and patterns and I know they make this in other colors because I've seen them. Not that I object to military colors and patterns I don't. It's just the idea of being able to play with and braid together different colors and creating my own color combos for working with appeals to me.
That is a creative use for whipping ends of rope, I wouldn't have thought to put the two together for this purpose.
Keep up the good work!
I've bought paracord from various sources, online and local Army/Navy surplus. Here's a couple I've used for good quality paracord:
Supply Captain
Going Gear
I'm curious your opinion on the differnt types of paracord, I've seen 550 cord with 7 strands, 550 cord with 8 strands, 650 cord and such, what do you think of the different kinds, or is there no real difference?
Paracord manufacturers make several different grades of parachute cord, which can vary in size/diameter, strength, colors, etc.
A lot of times, the outer sheath is identical, and you'll find different numbers of inner nylon strands, and sometimes different types of inner strands, like loose fibrous polyester type filament instead of twisted nylon strands.
If someone is just using the cord for decorative knot work, or even removing the inner strands to just use the outer sheath for knot work, the lower grade/lower cost paracord works fine.
For someone that wants the full mil-spec strength cord, with the potential utility of all the inner strands, most folks want paracord that meets mil-spec requirements.
The idea of being able to take apart something like a paracord bracelet or lanyard, and reuse the cord for another needed purpose, gives those objects a larger potential role in being prepared for life's 'What ifs?'.
"the idea of being able to take apart something like a paracord bracelet or lanyard, and reuse the cord for another needed purpose, gives those objects a larger potential role in being prepared for life's 'What ifs?'."
Ayup and that right there is probably one of the big reasons I've started getting into the knot tying. I also finds it occupies my hands and lets my mind relax so...
That and the nagging little voice in my head saying "Aren't you always harping on the 6 P's? So, why aren't you doing it yourself dingbat?"
This is awesome - I have to learn to do it.
So many applications o add paracord to items.
Great post -
Nice - I hate those little cozy's made out of plastic that smells. That's a great way to keep the contents cooler, and the grip good.
Good job, Stormdrane.
My stuff:
Thank you for your ideas.
Nice work as always. Very much liked the woven one, might try that myself. Just got a package of paracord today, though smaller lengths of various colors. I've used Rotokid up until now, but I will have to find another supplier because he ships very slowly. This paackage was sent on October 29, but ordered on October 12. Have heard great things about goinggear so might try that store next.
I'm trying to reproduce this weaving pattern on my own water bottle. How did you keep the coils tight? How do you secure the cord in the beginning?
I secure the starting end with a rubber band, and later tuck it when finished.
The coils will get tighter as the cord is woven up and down, around the bottle, and will get quite tight. If there's any slack, it can be worked out from the start, all the way through the end, if needed.
Stormdrane, I just gotta tell you that I've been greatly enjoying your work. I have only one problem so far.. when you put a picture on your blog of a project you did, but don't give directions on how to DIY! :D That being said, I am curious as to how you started/ended the whipping, and how you managed to keep the zigzags tight without them separating the whipping! The picture did give me a bit of inspiration to try it myself though, and here's what I came up with.
I didn't feel like cutting apart the 50' piece of 550 that I had, so when I was all done with the whipping and zigzags, I tied them off with a celtic button (thanks for the how-to video, btw), then loosely braided (I know, my braiding stinks) the excess around the cup. I'm thinking of trying to make some sort of decorative loop-type handle with the few inches of excess hanging off there, but haven't figured out how, yet.
Anyway, thanks again for the inspirations!
I see my link failed.. Sorry about that. Lets try again. :)
Paracord Wrapped Bottle
@JWNic, Your photo linked version looks good. :)
I started the snaking whipping like common whipping, keeping the coils around the bottle as tight as possible.
When doing the snaking/zigzag, running the cord under/around the cords on both ends of the wrap, actually increases the tension on those cords, so they hold tightly in place.
The start and end strands were tucked up under the wraps, pushing the lacing needle with a bit of coathanger to help get it through, then trimmed and tucked the ends.
You might try a braid knot or cobra stitch/Solomon bar in a small loop, to make an attachment for a carabiner or something to clip it to a belt loop, bag, pack, etc...
Thank you for posting these pictures and descriptions. I want to make a paracord hoster to hang a Mag Light in my vehicle, and your site is the perfect reference for this project. Cheers!
This is great and I think it has many uses I’m big on always having some 550 cord on hand while hunting or hiking this is decorative and out of the way. Also I think it would act as a decent insulator or you could dunk the bottle in a steam and utilize evaporative cooling while you trot on.
"I used a Perma-Lok Jumbo Lacing Needle to feed the paracord over/under as I worked, as well as a pair of hemostats/forceps."
Are you sure it's not a SUPER Jumbo? I've just spent the last hour trying to screw diagonally hot-knife cut 550 cord into that needle and it just won't work. The threaded hole is at least half the size of the 550 cord.
Now I've got two useless Jumbo needles. I just ordered two Super Jumbos to see if they will work.
@Josef, I use the Jumbo Perma-Lok needle, I believe the Super Jumbo is the same diameter as the Jumbo, just longer in length.
If you're still having trouble fitting the paracord into the needle, like shown in this YouTube example, try pulling about 1/4" of the inner strands from the paracord, trim those core strands, pull the outer sheath back over the strands, cut at an angle, quick melt the angled end, then fit/screw the paracord into the needle.
With the end slightly thinner, there should be no problem with using the needle. ;)
Love your posts.
I did this to a Klean Kanteen that gets used on a daily bases and after 7 or 8 months it started to have a sour smell due to getting wet while being cleaned and filled. I ended up taking it off but would like to redo it, how do you keep your cord clean, or how do you clean it while it is on the bottle?
@Anonymous, For cleaning paracord tied on a water bottle, hat, or paracord bracelet, I use a little anti-bacterial liquid soap and an old soft bristle toothbrush to get the cord clean, then let air dry.
I'll sometimes take 'em in the shower with me to get everything done in one trip, lol... :)
@Anonymous / @Stormdrane
Just dropping a line to let you guys know that I just throw my wrapped thermos/cup into the dishwasher. I've had it for about 5 months now and it hasn't stunk at all!
Hi, just to let you know, the whipping version is almost the same as ABOK #3572 "Shroud Cap"
Phil S
It is also very similar to ABOK #3454 Snaked Whipping - Phil S
Your Shown examples are perfect; I have followed your instruction to add paracord to water bottles… I got Success.
Thank you Stormdrane! Great idea!
It prompted a variation for use in K9 Search & Rescue on powder bottles. (We use powder to determine wind direction.) One powder bottle yields enough cord to lash together a stretcher for an injured K9 or vic. Or to use in repairs to gear, or as a tent line for a tarp/emergency blanket.
I opted for 3mil accessory cord since it has better strength to diameter ratio in case of technicality challenging emergencies. Paracord would be fine in regular use though.
I modified the knotting to a quick release version where a "collar" can be slipped over the bottle neck and "rib" loops can slide off the "spine".
Thanks again for your inspiration!!
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