ArmyTek Wizard Pro LED flashlight, Leatherman Wave multitool, Kershaw Shuffle pocket knife, all with some decorative and useful paracord knot work.
I keep going back and digging through my stuff in the storage totes, where I'd packed them away for the upcoming move (house under contract), to either use/carry or possibly list for sale on ebay. The home that we'll be moving to is considerably smaller than our current abode, so many things, like some furniture and whatnot, will have to be sold or given to family that may have use for them. Quite a bit has been given to Goodwill, so I hope those things eventually find a good home...
As an Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage of sales when folks go to amazon through my links and shop, and that helps pay the bills, so, 'Thanks!'.
If you need an edc backpack, check out the limited edition VENOM and VENOM RED mochi drawstring backpacks with Stormdrane logo and stitched paracord handle. I receive a percentage from the sale of each of those versions from Mochibrand.
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