'Ashley's Book of Knots'(ABOK#2505), calls this pattern the 'double tatted chain' and 'seesaw' knot. I believe I've also seen it called a zigzag knot. It's a simple pattern of half hitches with each side.
I used about 9 feet of cord(total of both colors, foliage green and coyote brown paracord), looping the center of each color onto one end of a side release buckle to start. To finish, I just looped the four strands around the other end of the buckle, making a singe cobra stitch with the outer two strands over the center two, trim and melting the ends. It works fine for a bracelet, but I think something stronger should be used if done for a dog/cat collar, though I haven't explored other finishes at this time.
Here's another bracelet made with paracord and some Cool Glow Stuff 3/32" glow cord
And done with some 2mm cord and used as a lanyard.
That's pretty cool looking.
Would you mind sharing where to order the nylon buckles from? I'd like to try making a bracelet. Thanks.
Here are a couple of links for the side release buckles. Try the 5/8" sized ones.
ITW Nexus side release buckles
Creative Designworks
Very cool! Wonder how it would work with strands of seed beads in place of the cord...hmmm.
SeaHawks Bracelet
My attempt.
Looks great, Eli!
Stormdrane, love your work, and thank you for sharing so freely your ideas and your lessons. You also take beautiful pictures. I am an "old" macrame'-er getting into knotting again. Am interested in making some dog leads. Starting the lead at the snap end is no problem, but I am having a problem trying to come up with a way to end the lead at a hand loop in a way that is strong yet looks nice. I'v made a couple of leads using just some colorful cord from Lowes with the core removed. Nice and colorful, strong. One was just all square knots, the other a 4 cord round braid. The square knot lead I just folded it over on itself at the handle end, super glued it in place, and did a tight hangmans knot over it for strength. Looks ok, does the job, but is not pretty or different. The other, I backbraided a little, glued, and again, did a hangmans knot. Again, did the job, but I'm just not happy with the end result. Do you have any ideas? I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
You might try covering the section with an Turk's Head knot. =)
Thanks. I have tried those and used them the ends of some rope horse halters I'v made. Used hemp cord from the craft section at walmart. Looked pretty good. So, I'm gessing that the key here is the material size for the security knots. I had made them out of the same material as the lead itself, and thus the bulk. I am still trying to use what is available at the retail stores, which is not much. Am also still at the trial and error stage. Leaning more tword the error side, I guess. Thanks for your input. I'll share some pics soon. Thanks again.
SD, thanks again! I love this "Double-Tatted" sinnet... I have made several bracelets, a watchband for my dad, and I even adapted it for neck lanyard use. Here is a link to my flickr stream, you can see the lanyards there with all my other knot work.
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