The odd number of leads to make for this Turk's Head knot is up to you, depending on how long you want your lanyard to be.
I used a 5 foot length of green 550 paracord and made two passes for a 13 lead 2 bight Turk's Head knot. I then removed the pen section and used my hemostats to pull the working end through the knot alongside the cord section that was inside. I worked the slack out of the knot, tightening it up over the two strands of the core. I had to work the cord back and forth a bit to even out the strands coming out the end of the knot.
After I had the Turk's Head tightened up, I tied a lanyard knot with the end strands, then pulled one strand back out of the lanyard knot and followed it with the other, to create a loop on that end making another attachment point, so it works as an actual lanyard instead of just a decorative fob.
The first few photos of this tutorial on the KHWW site, show a 2 bight Turk's Head being tied, for those that don't have the ABoK.
Stormie, you never cease to amaze me (or inspire me). It just so happens that I recently came into an ABOK, so I will just have to give this a go!
Hi Stormdrane. My compliments to you for a great Web site. You've given me many good ideas as I start knotting.
A question for you: I'm trying to create a bracelet made with a knot that would unweave almost instantly. Can you recommend a knot that would work for this?
Thanks so much,
You could try a chain sennit bracelet...
Hi again, S. Yes -- a chain sennet looks like it will do the trick. The video the shows the untying shows just what I need. Thanks!
Thoroughly enjoy making this 2b TH, terrific instructions too - thanks for taking the time and trouble to make the video. What is the music for the YouTube? It's reminiscent of Moby a la acoustic...nice stuff...
Aloha no makou,
The music with the video is 'Amy' by Thinkstandard.
I wish I had your talent. That's really nice work.
super les bracelets et la video
mais pourriez vous me donner des renseignements sur l'aiguille utilisée car on ne la trouve sur aucun site
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side release buckles
Stormie, would you recommend a supplier for a complete beginner who needs cord, general tying supplies and tools, and some accessories such as biners and or pulls? I want to make one order and don't want to get killed by the shipping. I'm in California. kenn
Kenn, I've not found a one stop shop for everything, but here's a few places that I've used for supplies, that don't kill on shipping costs:
Enchanting Beads
Supply Captain
Creative Designworks
You may find useful items at local craft stores, sporting goods stores, Army/Navy surplus, and fishing tackle suppliers. You can find other things on ebay, and search options can narrow things down, like clicking the 'Free Shipping' box to narrow item results to such offers...
Hi Stormdrane,
I tried this project as my first knot project and need a little bit of instruction on how to make the loop at the end so that it is a lanyard and not a fob.
I was able to follow the video up to the point where you begin to thread the end back through the lanyard knot making the second loop. I couldn't see exactly what you were doing after that because the text covers the detail. Is there an example somewhere where you make the loop through the lanyard knot?
Thank you!
There's a tutorial on the site, by the late Bud Brewer, showing the lanyard knot single and doubled, and it shows one of the ends worked back through the knot to make the loop.
You're just using one of the two strands coming out of the lanyard knot, to create a loop and follow the other strand as you pull it out, two or three turns of the lanyard knot. You then tighten the knot up and trim/tuck the strands. Hope that helps. :)
@Anonymous, In 'The Ashley Book of Knots', #1312(page 234) of the 'Turk's-Head' knots section says, "knots of one bight may be tied with one strand and with any number of leads.", being an exception to the Turk's-Head law. You can read more in the link...
Stormdrane, I tied a number of these as Christmas gifts and to change things up a bit, I incorporated a second color. Is there any way that I can a couple of pictures with you?
@Earl, You can send pics in email to Stormdrane(at)hotmail(dot)com, or post links to hosted images(photobucket/flickr/xanga/etc.) in comments for others to see them, if you like. ;)
Comments with links automatically go to the spam folder, but I occasionally check it to look for genuine comments that end up in there too...
Here are some fobs that I have on photobucket
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