For this lanyard, I added a flamed titanium lanyard bead and tied "The Crown and Diamond", which is shown in 'The Ashley Book of Knots' as knot #784.
WhyKnot recently uploaded a tutorial for this knot on his YouTube channel, mentioning the diagram in Ashley's book is incorrect, as there are a few errors sprinkled throughout Ashley's book, some noted in this IGKT forums thread(International Guild of Knot Tyers).
I uploaded two photos showing both sides of the knot, which look the same. I finish the ends of the paracord by pulling out about 1/4" worth of the inner strands, trim those with scissors, pull the outer sheath back down, then a quick heating/melting of each end with my lighter and crimping flat with my hemostats.
If you need an edc backpack, check out the limited edition VENOM and VENOM RED mochi drawstring backpacks with Stormdrane logo, which I receive a percentage of sales from, each having a stitched paracord handle that I worked with Mochibrand on for the design.
Which model Spyderco knife is the one shown in the last picture of this post with the orange lanyard and the penny?
It looks to be about 1.8 inches long closed?
That's a Spyderco HoneyBee.
I checked the Spyderco website, and all that's listed is the HoneyBee SS (stainless steel handle). Did you paint/finish the handle black yourself, or is this a discontinued item, or ...?
It's the same knife, you're just seeing an effect of the lighting/shadow in the photo where the handle just appears darker. ;)
Thinking about getting a mini pocket knife for my keychain, although the split-ring *is* getting a little crowded. :-)
The Spyderco website says it's not a lock-back, so I might look around a bit for something about the same size that is. I really like the one-handed opening and lock-back features.
The HoneyBee, Grasshopper, and Bug versions of that knife are just right to fit on a keyring, but they're so small that I find it hard to open one-handed(might just be me, lol) with trying to use the thumbhole like with larger models, but can kind of manage to pinch the blade and finger it open.
Slightly larger Spyderco models like the Jester, Ladybug, and Manbug also fit well on a keychain, but cost a lot more... ;)
Beautiful design thank you 😊 for tutorial
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